19 -Tiffany Peterson - A Full Life
Tiffany Peterson
An experienced businesswoman with a zest for life, Peterson is capable of relating her ideas to many spheres in life. Focusing on the ways in which people think about experiences and interpret events, she is motivated to help people reach their fullest personal and business potential.
Tiffany became a respected salesperson and was mentored by many high-profile motivational authors and speakers, such as Franklin Covey, Rich Dad Poor Dad, and Jack Canfield, setting new sales records and receiving prestigious leadership awards that promoted me into a corporate training position to help mentor others to cultivate the same skills and tools to increase their sales success as well.
-Listen to the podcast episode-
I have loved every moment of listening to Tiffany Peterson. One of my favorite moments was discovering her commitment to a life and a business that she loves. A full life. A life that makes a positive contribution.
It’s contagious to truly love what you do – that isn’t just a sound bite marketing statement, it’s real life. While it isn’t perfect by a long shot, it is full of purpose, passion, and joy.
Perfect? No.
Committed. Yes.
This is her mindset and it can be hers too. She has worked with so many iconic leaders and is now one herself. Thank you Tiffany Peterson.
-Key Points-
Love conversations about intentional living
Learn to honor what you are drawn to, follow it!
My pattern shifted, it was still teaching but it moved to training/development and personal development.
I journaled whom I would like to work for and it manifested - this was way before it was the ‘thing’
12 years ago I went ahead to start my own business. When you start listen to your intuition, trust yourself, we all fear unfamiliar… having a coach/mentor is huge on your new path
‘Rich Dad - Poor Dad’ / ‘Chicken Soup for the Soul’ - titles we go raised on, I got to work with people who created them
Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill - is the ebook that opened my mind to the new way of thinking
Your mindset is EVERYTHING, I followed through with the 7 habits
Be intentional to practice with your mind
I learned the art of asking the great questions - help people create change, be a better listener and communicator
‘Most of us listen to reply and not to understand’
Most of us fear what others think of us - this often holds us back; have a routine/ritual that helps with this - what is my purpose statement
Let the shield down or projection of perfection to get real to get full nourishment
For the New Year set your goal for Progress not Perfection (I am a recovering perfectionist, this steals your joy and momentum!)
I recommend to nourish 5 relationships with intention a week (effort based goal too)
I have a free goal setting course on my website - I use it every year; Make a list for the year passing then divide to have more of and less of…
Clarity gives you power - this way you know what to go after; Vision board/intention board/spiritual etc. helps us have this clarity, also have effort based goals
It all about HABITS when it comes to create progress and success
Tiffany Peterson
“By the way we are thinking and what we focus on and the habits we develop that we truly CAN create life with intention. We are the architect of our life... It is the habit that shapes your life’’