S2 Ep4 - Becoming more aligned with Samantha Harris
Samantha Harris
TV Host, Author, Certified Health Coach & Trainer, cancer survivor/thriver, proud mom of 2, and unstoppable optimist dedicated to being your cheerleader and guide as you journey on toward Your Healthiest Healthy.
-Listen to the podcast episode-
Welcome to the balanced girl, today we have the pleasure of hosting Samantha Harris. Samantha is an Emmy Award-winning journalist, bestselling author, Certified Health Coach (IIN), Certified Fitness Trainer, breast cancer thriver, and watched by millions as the co-host of Dancing with the Stars and Entertainment Tonight. She inspires people internationally through her keynote speeches, webinars, membership wellness community, and wellness retreats with her infectious energy. Everyone welcome Mrs Samantha Harris.
Thank you so much Samantha for joining us on the balanced girl Thank you for sharing your heart, just all of your wealth experience, where are you today, what is helping you thrive in your health world and just sharing all your tips gf what you learned going thru cancer, cannot thank you enough how for much you have impacted us in such a short time.
-Key Points-
I am all about alignment when it comes to balance. As yourself are the main parts of your life aligned?
Making hard decisions – understand the power of yet – taking small manageable steps to achieve your goal
Toxic is not only food, products you use on your body but also relationships; I started with a beauty product - a deodorant – I said no to inflation and all those chemicals. I started to investigate the ingredients of products that were used on my body
I need to learn what is my healthiest healthy – it is based on individual biochemistry
Ingest a rainbow; Kale and spinach – these are great ingredients but check how do you store it, is it plastic? Food – add as many veggies as you, flip mentality, eat hight quality foods
Make up – skin is the biggest organ – swap foundation or beauty cream (do u have parabens in there?) is it fragrance fee, use essential oils
A certified health coach – my top goal is to reach a broader audience – everyone should have access to health advice at fingertips – I launched online Your Healthiest Health Community – subscription based – I do a love coaching session weekly; live work outs; I do 30 min breath work meditation each Friday am not recorded
Benefits of positive self-talk - we need tools to mitigate stress, stress, increases cortisol, increases inflammation leads to many diseases… - talk kindly to yourself and re-frame things. It is beneficial to speak to yourself in the mirror. Say positive things – find gratitude. Sometime it is hard on some days, we just need to look.
You can control what you can control - something to deal with anxiety, difficult situation; worry when you have to worry, focus on now, take action