S2 Ep6 - Crushing your money goals with Bernadette Joy
Bernadette Joy
Bernadette Joy is a nationally recognized money expert featured on Good Morning America, NBC News, Time, and USA Today for her unique ability to inspire her audience to explore the intersection between net worth and self-worth. She has two degrees in business and a degree in psychology but her credibility comes from leading by example. She founded Crush Your Money Goals Academy, a coaching program that is a behavior-based approach to increase your money knowledge and apply sustainable habits to last a lifetime.
-Listen to the podcast episode-
Today we have a very special guest who is going to talk to you about being tired of wondering where all your money went even if you make a good income; getting money advice that does not consider your personal situation, feeling unsure if you are making the right moves or mistakes, feeling guilty on spending money on things that you enjoy, being stuck at your current income level and long hours and having no idea if or when you will ever stop working so hard. Today join me as we welcome Bernadette Joy on the balanced girl. She is a nationally recognized money expert featured on Good Morning America, NBC News, Time, and USA Today for her unique ability to inspire her audience to explore the intersection between net worth and self-worth.
I loved loved loved hearing from Bernadette Joy and all of her wealth of information that she gave to us. I know I am gonna get onto her website to check out her free guide. Also make sure to follow Bernadette Joy on Instagram she gives out tips every single day that constantly change my financial decisions. Guys that was amazing, don’t forget to check out www.crushyourmoneygoals.com and remember we don’t have to reinvent the wheel, w have experts at our finger tips check out her website and I love it we can work less so we don’t have to burn out. I am excited and loving everything that Bernadette putting out there, and cannot wait for more thanks for joining ‘the balanced girl’.
-Key Points-
Bernadette as. Resource in your life, check out her Instagram
Helping women crush their financial goals
I started ‘crush your money goals’ as living from pay check to pay check was not what I wanted and there were no resources
Speaks about finances from a perspective of a woman in a fun and engaging way
What is necessary?
All you need is simple math to be able to manage your finances
Millions of reasons not to focus on finances, all you need is 2 hours a month
Little exercise, answer this: it would be cool if…’ you can’t design a plan for a goal that does not exist; this helps seeing a trend
Start somewhere I started paying off my student loans, break it down, reverse, so it becomes doable
FLOW is geared for those who cleared basics of finances, how to make things come to us. FLOW stands for:
F- Facing your fears with facts;
L-Let experts help
Own what is in your control
W – work less
I am off all Mondays and Fridays, some Wednesday mornings – my non-negotiables
There is so much money to be made
My time is valuable, it is scarce, I need to change the narrative
Is getting hair done what you really love? Compare to what you really LOVE
What to invest in if you are a beginner/ or more advanced – retirement fund; expand definition of investing- consider stocks, build a business
Save more, make more
Common theme – I decided to make it so
Free guide on Bernadette’s website (free class offered sometimes) and these trainings:
Crash your Goals Academy – self paced and bonus you meet with me to review your plan
Flow is group program for 12 weeks
Millionaire mastermind – 1:1