Nourishing Your Body
Healthy, whole and balanced
Sometimes it feels like diet culture is blaring at us from all directions. Social media, celebrity endorsements and so-called 'experts' can make it hard to find the truth about health. So much noise telling us what we “should” do to lose weight, supposedly in the name of health – but when did being healthy become synonymous with being thin?
The fact is that we are not meant to fit into the narrow body shape and size touted by diet culture. We should not be striving to look and feel one certain way. That kind of thinking is super restrictive and can be seriously damaging to our mental and physical wellbeing.
Our bodies are amazing and incredibly resilient machines, and truly want to be healthy, whole and balanced. Instead of being so focused on a number on the scale or a particular body shape, why not listen to your body and give it what it needs to actually feel healthy and energised?
Focus on nourishing your body with whole food and move your body in a way that feels good and brings joy. Get out in nature, hug your friends and family, laugh, practice yoga and meditation, take hot baths with essential oils, get some sunshine… all of the simple things that can help you heal and make you feel your very best!
If we focus on looking after ourselves from the inside out, healing and cultivating an inner peace and connection to our body – then we will likely start to look and feel better. When we turn our attention to healing ourselves our entire mindset can change!