S2 Ep8 - All Things Fertility Candace Wohl

Candace Wohl

As you know, I am very interested in all things fertility as I have been on this long journey to beginning a family. Today on " the balanced girl," I had the pleasure of speaking with Candace Wohl. Candace is a wife, digital creator, infertility advocate, mother through surrogacy, and co-author of the incredible blog, "Our Misconception." Candace is featured in many articles including, the Huffington Post, Still Standing Magazine, fertilityauthority.comadoption.net., Cosmopolitan Magazine, Women's Health Magazine, O Magazine, among others. Candace and her husband Chris decided that in order to overcome adversity, they must stare it directly in the face with humor and raw honesty through writing, thus creating their award-winning blog, "Our Misconception." The couple was featured on MTV's "True Life: I'm Desperate to Have a Baby," a documentary about couples who struggle with infertility, and MTV's "Check-Ups and Check-Ins." Candace is also a fierce advocate, pushing for family-building legislation and infertility awareness, and is an active volunteer for RESOLVE: The National Infertility Association.


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On this episode, Candace shares their journey from infertility to fertility. She shares her perspective on the importance of paying attention to your body and your health early to try and prevent infertility in the future. We talk about their blog and how imperative it is to also share the male perspective when discussing issues of infertility. Candace shares their IVF journey, getting stuck in a loop of trying and trying again, and how they came to make the decision to explore the possibilities of surrogacy. Tune in to listen as Candace Wohl shares the everyday struggles, the emotional and physical pain of infertility, and the joy of becoming a parent – no matter how you get there!


Candace Wohl

“When the ultimate goal is to be called a mom, the way in which you get there is not what matters!”


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