Kindsey Joins The Ending Sexploitation Podcast
Training law enforcement and court systems to better respond to sex trafficking
Last week I had the pleasure of sitting down and providing my voice to the ‘Ending Sexploitation podcast’ with Haley McNamara (Halverson). In this latest episode, I dive into how sex traffickers groom victims by establishing bonds so strong that many victims don’t have the ability to identify themselves for law enforcement. We also cover how vital it is for law enforcement and the courts to be accurately trained on the dynamics of sex trafficking in order to better serve survivors.
Through my work work in Florida, I’m determined to shift law enforcement resources and time away from arresting people sold in the sex trade, and to have law enforcement focus on arresting sex buyers and traffickers, while bringing in agencies to provide diverse services to help survivors recover.
We also discussed prevention, by investing in the next generation, and the realities of grooming and abuse with them in age-appropriate ways to safeguard them from potential exploiters.
“Especially in the United States, we really treat victims [of sex trafficking] as if it’s their job to identify as a victim and tell us that they’re a victim, and that just doesn’t work with sex trafficking.”
Key Points
How sex traffickers groom victims by establishing bonds
How victims don’t have the ability to identify themselves for law enforcement.
How law enforcement and the courts can better serve survivors.
Shift law enforcement resources and time away from arresting people sold in the sex trade.
How we should focus law enforcement on arresting sex buyers and traffickers rather than victims.
The realities of grooming and abuse for our next generation, and ways to safeguard them from potential exploiters.
Watch the Full Episode
-Listen to the podcast episode-
Haley McNamara (formerly Halverson)
Haley is the Director of the International Centre on Sexual Exploitation in the UK, and a Vice President at the U.S. based National Center on Sexual Exploitation. She leads international efforts and joint campaigns to improve policies and education among global governing bodies, citizenry, and corporations regarding the full web of sexual exploitation issues. Her advocacy work has contributed to policy improvements in social media, online advertising, retail, and hotel industries. She has advocated at the United Nations, led international coalition campaigns, presented to Danish, Croatian, Colombian and Rwandan government officials, and more